Student Visa Consulting

A visa is an entry clearance, which permits an entity to students to enter into a non-native country. Students require a Student Visa or Student Pass to enter into a foreign nation to stay for the study. The high visa success rate of Global Opportunities helps numerous Indian students to enter varied universities across the globe every year.

Every nation has a different set of criteria for its visa services to ensure that the student will be benefitting the nation and will not be responsible for any malpractices during the period of study.

Work Permit Visa Consulting

Working abroad has a severe positive impact on your career development. Working overseas can broaden your skills and techniques. You can master the skills and have an extraordinary experience working with Multinational Companies. You learn to speak more languages which are a boon to the market there as you can negotiate your terms more effectively. That is what the companies need.

You can choose from the countries like USA, Canada, Europe, UK

Dependent VISA

An individual who is a resident of a country or possessing a legal non-immigrant status can apply for a dependent visa for their nearest family members. The demarcation of which family members can be given a dependent visa is often changeable from country to country and it is important to have a professional consultant to help you through the process. Children, adopted children, parents, spouses are some direct relations who are eligible for a Dependent Visa.

+91 7041609699